
これも博学のI氏からの情報提供だが、2012年 東京大(前期)の入試問題に、イシグロに音楽性に関する文章が出題さているという。その内容を読むと、イシグロはピアノやギターを弾き、氏の小説も音楽(多分クラシック)の構成などから示唆を受けていることが推察される。

東京大学 前期入試問題(2012年)

次の英文は、ある作家が小説家 Kazuo Ishiguro(=Ish) にインタビューしたあとで書いた文章の一部である。下線部(1)、(2)、(3)を和訳せよ。ただし、下線部(2)については、it が何を指すか明らかにすること。

It’s perhaps not much known that Ish has a musical side. I was only vaguely aware of it, if at all, when I interviewed him, though I’d known him by then for several years — (1)【a good example of how he doesn’t give much away.】 Ish plays the piano and the guitar, both well. I’m not sure how many different guitars he now actually possesses, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s in double figures. His wife, Lorna, sings and plays; so does his daughter. Evenings of musical entertainment in the Ishiguro household can’t be at all uncommon.

One of the few regrets of my life is that I have no formal grounding in music. Inever had a musical education or came from the sort of ‘musical home’ that would have made this possible or probable, and always rather readily assumed that music was what those other, ‘musical’ people did. (2)【I’ve never felt, on the other hand, though a great many people who didn’t grow up reading books have perhaps felt it, that writing is what those other, ‘writerly’ people do.】

This contrast between writing and music is strange, however, since I increasingly feel that a lot of my instincts about writing are in fact musical, and I don’t think that writing and music are fundamentally so far apart. The basic elements of narrative — timing, pacing, flow, tension and release, repetition of themes — are musical ones too. And (3)【where would writing be without rhythm】, the large rhythms that shape a story, or the small ones that shape a paragraph?


<彼の音楽性と言えば「夜想曲集 音楽と夕暮れをめぐる五つの物語」(ハヤカワepi文庫)という短編集があります。
カズオ・イシグロは夕日に独特の感慨を持っているようです。蕪村に「山は暮れて野は黄昏の薄かな」という俳句があります。私が育った集落は国見峠に夕日が沈みます。子どもの頃、田んぼで遊んでいた友だちが次々といなくなり、暮れなずんでいでほの明るいあぜ道に独り残された自分を思い出したりします。> (水沼文平)


カズオ・イシグロの「日の名残り」(1989年)は、1991年 早稲田大学理工学部の英語の入試問題にも出ていたという情報も、上智の卒業生のI氏からもらった。以下に、転載する。

問題(文)が電子化されていませんので、当該箇所は Google ブック検索結果 から引っ張りました。>(I)

Strange beds have rarely agreed with me, and after only a short spell of somewhat troubled slumber, I awoke an hour or so ago. It was then still dark, and knowing I had a full day’s motoring ahead of me, I made an attempt to return to sleep. This proved futile, and when I decided eventually to rise, it was still so dark that I was obliged to turn on the electric light in order to shave at the sink in the corner. But when having finished I switched it off again, I could see early daylight at the edges of the curtains.

When I parted them just a moment ago, the light outside was still very pale and something of a mist was affecting my view of the baker’s shop and chemist’s opposite. Indeed, following the street further along to where it runs over the little round-backed bridge, I could see the mist rising from the river, obscuring almost entirely one of the bridge-posts. There was not a soul to be seen, and apart from a hammering noise echoing from somewhere distant, and an occasional coughing in a room to the back of the house, there is still no sound to be heard. The landlady is clearly not yet up and about, suggesting there is little chance of her serving breakfast earlier than her declared time of seven thirty.

Now, in these quiet moments as I wait for the world about to awake, I find myself going over in my mind again passages from Miss Kenton’s letter. Incidentally, I should before now have explained myself as regards my referring to Miss Kenton’. ‘Miss Kenton is properly speaking ‘Mrs Benn’ and has been for twenty years. However, because I knew her at close quarters only during her maiden years and have not seen her once since she went to the West Country to become ‘Mrs Benn’, you will perhaps excuse my impropriety in referring to her as I knew her, and in my mind have continued to call her throughout these years.







上智の卒業生のI氏より、2002年 富山大学(後期)の英語の入試問題にカズオ・イシグロの『日の名残り』からの出題があったという情報をもらった。転載させていただく。

Kazuo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day, 1989から出ています。大学入試でなかなかお目にかかれない、気品溢れる問題です。


 There was a certain story my father was fond of repeating over the years. I recall listening to him tell it to visitors when I was a child, and then later, when I was starting out as a footman*1 under his supervision. I remember him relating it again the first time I returned to see him after gaining my first post as butler*2 ― to a Mr and Mrs Muggeridge in their relatively modest house in Allshot, Oxfordshire. Clearly the story meant much to him. My father’s generation was not one accustomed to discussing and analysing in the way ours is and I believe the telling and retelling of this story was as close as my father ever came to reflecting critically on the profession he practiced. As such, it gives a vital clue to his thinking.

 The story was an apparently true one concerning a certain butler who had traveled with his employer to India and served there for many years maintaining amongst*3 the native staff the same high standards he had commanded in England. One afternoon, evidently, this butler had entered the dining room to make sure all was well for dinner, when he noticed a tiger languishing*4 beneath the dining table. The butler had left the dining room quietly, taking care to close the doors behind him, and proceeded calmly*5 to the drawing room where his employer was taking tea with a number of visitors. There he attracted his employer’s attention with a polite cough, then whispered in the latter’s ear: “I’m very sorry, sir, but there appears to be a tiger in the dining room. Perhaps you will permit the twelve-bores*6 to be used?”

 And according to legend, a few minutes later, the employer and his guests heard three gun shots. When the butler reappeared in the drawing room some time afterwards to refresh the teapots, the employer had inquired if all was well.

 “Perfectly fine, thank you, sir,” had come the reply. “Dinner will be served at the usual time and I am pleased to say there will be no discernible*7 traces left of the recent occurrence by that time.”

 This last phrase ― “no discernible traces left of the recent occurrence by that time” ― my father would repeat with a laugh and shake his head admiringly*8. He neither claimed to know the butler’s name, nor anyone who had known him, but he would always insist the event occurred just as he told it. In any case, it is of little importance whether or not this story is true; the significant thing is, of course, what it reveals concerning my father’s ideals. For when I look back over his career, I can see with hindsight*9 that he must have striven throughout his years somehow to become that butler of his story. And in my view, at the peak of his career, my father achieved his ambition. For although I am sure he never had the chance to encounter a tiger beneath the dining table, when I think over all that I know or have heard concerning him, I can think of at least several instances of his displaying in abundance that very quality he so admired in the butler of his story. (Kazuo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day, 1989)

*1footman 見習い *2butler 執事(身分の高い人の家や寺社で,家政や事務を執行する人) *3amongst=among *4languishing ぐったりとする *5calmly 穏やかに
*6twelve-bores 12口径の拳銃 *7discemible 識別できる*8admiringly 感心して
*9hindsight 結果を知ってからわかること







