Inquiry-based learning に関してチャトGPTに聞く

質問1 Inquiry-based learning を文科省はどのように訳していますか? 

チャトとGPTの回答―文部科学省は「Inquiry-based learning」を「探究学習」と訳しています。探究学習は、課題解決や興味を持ったテーマに対して生徒が主体的に調査・探究し、知識やスキルを深める学習方法です。文部科学省のカリキュラム改革や教育指導要領にも「探究」という用語が使われており、「総合的な探究の時間」などに反映されています。

Question 2: Is John Dewey the person who advocated inquiry-based learning? Please let me know if you know the literature.

チャトGPTの回答―Yes, John Dewey is often regarded as one of the key figures advocating for inquiry-based learning. Dewey’s philosophy of education emphasizes experiential learning, where students engage actively with problems and questions, learn through inquiry, and develop knowledge through interaction with their environment. His works, such as “Democracy and Education” (1916), strongly advocate for an educational system that promotes inquiry, critical thinking, and reflective thought, which laid the foundation for modern inquiry-based learning approaches.