

アニマルセラピー絡みの話といえば、オスカー (セラピー猫) というのがいます。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/オスカー_(セラピー猫)  オスカー ― 『天国への旅立ちを知らせる猫 』2010、デイヴィッド ドーサ  (著), 栗木 さつき (翻訳)という本も出ています。同著者の記事が 2010年東海大医学部(学士編入試験)で出題されています(一部転載)

8 Within a half hour the family starts to arrive. Chairs are brought into the room, where the relatives begin their vigil. The priest is called to deliver last rites. And still, Oscar has not budged, instead purring and gently nuzzling Mrs. K. A young grandson asks his mother, What is the cat doing here? The mother, fighting back tears, tells him, He is here to help Grandma get to heaven. Thirty minutes later, Mrs. K. takes her last earthly breath. With this, Oscar sits up, looks around, then departs the room so quietly that the grieving family barely notices. 

10 Since he was adopted by staff members as a kitten, Oscar the Cat has had an uncanny ability to predict when residents are about to die. Thus far, he has presided over the deaths of more than 25 residents on the third floor of Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, Rhode Island. His mere presence at the bedside is viewed by physicians and nursing home staff as an almost absolute indicator of impending death, allowing staff members to adequately notify families. Oscar has also provided companionship to those who would otherwise have died alone. For his work, he is highly regarded by the physicians and staff at Steere House and by the families of the residents whom he serves.