

日本では、欧米のsociology of educationという本をよく見るが、 anthropology of educationという本は、あまり見ないようにも思う。また日本の最新「教育社会学辞典」には、索引にも教育人類学(anthropology of education)という言葉も出てこない。





Q―Which is more popular in the United States: sociology of education or anthropology of education?

A―1(Bing チャト)

Sociology of education seems to be more popular in the United States, with over 1,000 universities offering sociology programs. In contrast, only about 400 universities offer anthropology programs1.

However, let’s delve a bit deeper into the relationship between these two fields:/Sociology of Education:Definition: Sociology of education examines the social processes and institutions related to education. It focuses on how social factors (such as class, race, and gender) influence educational outcomes, policies, and practices./Research Areas: Sociologists of education study topics like educational inequality, school organization, curriculum development, teacher-student interactions, and educational policies./Impact: Sociology of education plays a crucial role in shaping educational policies and practices by providing insights into social dynamics within educational systems./Recent Trends: There has been an increasing emphasis on sociological data in teacher education curricula, especially in social studies programs2.

Anthropology of Education:/Definition: Anthropology of education (also known as educational anthropology) explores the cultural, social, and psychological aspects of education. It examines how education is embedded in cultural contexts and how it shapes individuals and communities./Research Areas: Anthropologists of education study topics such as cultural variations in educational practices, learning processes, identity formation, and the role of education in c        

A-2 ChatGPT

In the United States, both sociology of education and anthropology of education have their respective followings and areas of influence, but sociology of education tends to be more popular and widely studied.

Sociology of Education:/Focuses on how societal factors, institutions, and social structures impact education./Studies issues like inequality, educational attainment, and the role of education in social mobility./Often involves quantitative research methods and large-scale data analysis./More commonly integrated into education departments and frequently overlaps with policy studies.

Anthropology of Education:/Emphasizes the cultural aspects of education, exploring how cultural beliefs, practices, and contexts influence educational experiences./Utilizes qualitative research methods, such as ethnography, to provide in-depth understandings of educational settings./Offers valuable insights into the lived experiences of students and educators within their cultural contexts./Though highly respected, it is less commonly pursued as a primary focus compared to sociology of education.