
最近は暇で、卓球の他、テニスをすることも多い。私の歳では上達は望めないが、一緒にやってくれる人に迷惑をかけない為には、少しでもミスを少なくしなければならない。テニスの上達方法を、Bing Chatに尋ねてみた。その回答を転載する。


“How can I get better at tennis? I want to be a little better.”


Certainly! Improving your tennis skills is an exciting journey. Here are some tips to help you enhance your game:/ Advanced Techniques: Once you’ve mastered the basic tennis shots, consider incorporating advanced techniques into your game. These techniques can elevate your skill level and make you a more formidable opponent on the court1. Some examples include:/ Serve and Volley: Work on your serve and practice moving forward to the net after serving. This aggressive approach can catch your opponent off guard./ Topspin and Slice: Experiment with different spins on your shots. Topspin shots dip down quickly, while slice shots stay low and skid off the court./Drop Shots: Develop touch and finesse by practicing drop shots. These shots are effective when your opponent is far behind the baseline./Approach Shots: Learn how to hit approach shots to set up an easy volley or overhead smash./Unconventional Drills: To keep your training fresh and challenging, incorporate unconventional drills that can enhance your skills in ways traditional practices cannot. For example:/Shadow Tennis: Imagine playing against an opponent and practice your footwork, strokes, and positioning without a ball./Reaction Drills: Use a reaction ball or have a partner randomly feed balls to improve your reflexes./Target Practice: Set up targets on the court and aim for specific areas to improve your accuracy2./Equipment and Strings:/Consider using arm-friendly tennis strings. For intermediate players who suffer from tennis elbow, strings like the Wilson NXT Soft are a good choice. These synthetic multifilament strings provide comfort and reduce strain on your arm3./Remember to practice consistently, focus on your weaknesses, and enjoy the process. Tennis is not only about physical skills but also mental resilience and strategy. Keep playing, and you’ll see progress! 🎾😊